How to Remove Unwanted YouTube Recommendations?

Do you feel annoyed when Youtube often suggests unwanted videos, even suggesting unrelated topics? This feature is also known as Suggested, we will be suggesting a lot of videos, but you can also choose before the suggested videos run. In particular, these suggestions will also run next to videos that you get the link to share on Facebook or personal Blog, this is completely inappropriate if you are doing Blogs for children, unfortunately, bad content will great impact on children. That’s why in this article we will show you how to turn off or remove unwanted suggestions on Youtube.

How to Remove Unwanted YouTube Recommendations?

Instructions to turn off video suggestions on Youtube

Step 1: Open the YouTube app and tap on the user silhouette near the top right. Make sure you see your profile here, otherwise you’ll need to log in.

Instructions to turn off video suggestions on Youtube

Step 2: Tap the overflow menu in the top right corner and head to Settings > Notifications.

Step 3: Toggle the switch next to Recommended videos. While you’re here, check the rest of the notification settings.

Now you’ll be free of random video recommendations based on the other videos you’ve watched.

In addition, you can also uncheck the Show player controls button if you want the video to be inserted without displaying the control bar, or uncheck Show video title and player actions (Show video title and player actions). player actions) to hide the video’s name and author.

So, after completing the setup, you will not see other videos anymore. Hope you are successful.